Sara Fanelli Photocopy Collage

Sara Fanelli Photocopy Collage

Because Sara Fanelli uses so much collage in her work, I thought I would try it out in a different way a second time. The techniques I was attempting to replicate were the use of absurdity in her work, I didn’t want my illustration to make much sense. And fun characters, so I used some of my previous work and photocopied sections to make a palette of potential collage materials. I also included some writing in this as this is something she does in most of her work.

Here is an example of the type of thing I was going for:

And here is mine:

I enjoyed doing this, as it allowed me to look at my work in a different way, which was interesting. And also allowed me to reuse some of my old projects. I will definitely attempt to do more collage after finishing these two collage related projects, as I feel it made my work have another depth to it.


Fanelli, S. (2012) The onion’s great escape. London: Phaidon Press.


Fanelli, S. (2000) Dear diary. London, United Kingdom: Walker Books.

Heller, S. 2007. Wolves, logic and happy mistakes. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:

Robins, G. The dream-like images of Sara Fanelli. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:

Fanelli, S. 2011. Sara Fanelli – a life in pictures – the guardian. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:

Fanelli, S. (2012) The onion’s great escape. London: Phaidon Press.

Riley, R. 2016. Sara Fanelli, [Online]. [Accessed 18 October 2016]. Available from:

Rubin, J. 2012. The onion’s great escape. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Fanelli, S. (2012) The onion’s great escape. London: Phaidon Press.

Fanelli, S. (2006) Mythological monsters of ancient Greece. London: Walker Books.

Fanelli, S. (2012) First flight. London, United Kingdom: Red Fox.

Craig. 2011. Sara Fanelli. Creature creator for children’s illustration, [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Carey, J. 2004. Dynamic Doodles. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Fanelli, S. 2016. Sara Fanelli’s website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Yves Tanguy, Joan MirĂ³, Max Morise, Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky),1927, Nude, Composite drawing of ink, pencil, and coloured pencil on paper, At: New York, MOMA

MoMALearning. 2016. MoMALearning website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Tate. 2016. Tate website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

Artic. 2016. Art Institute Chicago Website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:

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