Sara Fanelli Collage

Sara Fanelli Collage

Sara Fanelli likes to use collage as her preferred medium of work. She collects all of her own collage material and these items are normally significant to her in some way. For example, old stationary material from the 20th Century. Or old newspapers and sweet wrappers. She also says “Almost all of the images are inspired by a text. They are visual interpretations of the ideas contained in the text I chose.” So text and materials are two of the most important things to her when creating an illustration.
Here is an example of her work, from her book "dear diary". Showcasing the various materials she uses in her collage.

Here is a piece of work I produced, in response to seeing her work. I used a quote because she gets inspired by text, so I made sure to find this before I started working.

I enjoyed working this way, even though I'm not normally a fan of collage, but her method of finding a quote to inspire me first really helped.
Fanelli, S. (2000) Dear diary. London, United Kingdom: Walker Books.
Fanelli, S. (2000) Dear diary. London, United Kingdom: Walker Books.
Heller, S. 2007. Wolves, logic and happy mistakes. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:
Robins, G. The dream-like images of Sara Fanelli. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:
Fanelli, S. 2011. Sara Fanelli – a life in pictures – the guardian. [Online]. [Accessed 17 October 2016]. Available from:
Fanelli, S. (2012) The onion’s great escape. London: Phaidon Press.
Riley, R. 2016. Sara Fanelli, [Online]. [Accessed 18 October 2016]. Available from:
Rubin, J. 2012. The onion’s great escape. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Fanelli, S. (2012) The onion’s great escape. London: Phaidon Press.
Fanelli, S. (2006) Mythological monsters of ancient Greece. London: Walker Books.
Fanelli, S. (2012) First flight. London, United Kingdom: Red Fox.
Craig. 2011. Sara Fanelli. Creature creator for children’s illustration, [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Carey, J. 2004. Dynamic Doodles. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Fanelli, S. 2016. Sara Fanelli’s website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Yves Tanguy, Joan MirĂ³, Max Morise, Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky),1927, Nude, Composite drawing of ink, pencil, and coloured pencil on paper, At: New York, MOMA
MoMALearning. 2016. MoMALearning website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Tate. 2016. Tate website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:
Artic. 2016. Art Institute Chicago Website. [Online]. [Accessed 19 October 2016]. Available from:


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