Chris Ware Slow Time

Chris Ware Slow Time

Another Technique Chris Ware is famous for is his use of the slow passing of time. He draws lots of very similar panels, but with tiny differences, just to showcase time passing. This can be through the use of raindrops dripping, or other tiny events. The reason he uses this is to break up the pace of the comic. We tend to read very quickly and glance over images when reading, and this forces us to take a step back as the viewer and slow down.

The panels that just show the window but with small differences are great examples of this, with very little actually happening. I have emulated something similar here:

I enjoyed doing this, and I even tried to emulate his style of drawing with it, and I am pleased with the result. The image doesn't change very much at all, but you can still tell that the morning is beginning.


Ware, C. (2012) Building stories. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.


Wolk, D. 2012. Insidethe box – New York Times. [Online]. [Accessed 6 October 2016]. Available from:

Heer, J. 2014. Chris Ware, The art of comics No. 2 – Paris Review. [Online]. [Accessed 6 October 2016]. Available from:

Ware, C. (2012) Building stories. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.

Bartual, R. 2012. Towards a panoptical representation of time and memory: Chris ware, Marcel Proust and Henri Bergsons “pure duration”. [Online]. [Accessed 7 October 2016]. Available from:

Ware, C. (2003) Jimmy Corrigan: The smartest kid on earth. London: Jonathan Cape.

Bennett, J. Jackson, C. 2015. Graphic Whiteness and the lessons of Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan. [Online]. [Accessed 7 October 2016]. Available from:

Cape, J. 2001. Jimmy Corrigan the smartest kid on earth – The guardian. [Online]. [Accessed 7 October 2016]. Available from:

Rayburn, D. (2004) Chris Ware. London: Laurence king Publishing Ltd

Sinclair, M. 2015. The New Yorker animates its latest Chris Ware cover. [Online]. [Accessed 7 Octover 2016]. Available from:


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