Political Visual Metaphor

Political Visual Metaphor

In political cartoons, a visual metaphor is a way of making fun of, or drawing attention to a specific issue or action. Metaphors in illustrations require two things to work, a target and a source. The target is the thing you want to get across to the viewer, the message you are representing. And the source is the way you are getting it across. The platform that the illustration will rely on.

This is a good example of a visual metaphor, with it being a parody of a famous painting that everyone knows about.

I have attempted a visual metaphor here:

This is meant to be a metaphor about how Boris Johnson might've been perceived to be ruining London by being mayor. This is represented by Boris driving a burning London bus.


The war Office, 1914-1915, Daddy, What did you do in the great war?, [Poster, Illustration] At: Britain, British Library


The war Office, 1914-1915, Daddy, What did you do in the great war?, [Poster, Illustration] At: Britain, British Library

British Library, 2016. Daddy, What did you do in the great war?.[Online]. [Accessed 3 December 2016]. Available from: https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/daddy-what-did-you-do-in-great-war

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Maes, A. Schilperoord, J. 2014. Chapter 10. Visual metaphoric conceptualization in editorial cartoons. [Online]. [Accessed 3 December 2016]. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254790501_Visual_metaphoric_conceptualization_in_political_cartoons

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New World Encyclopedia, 2016, Anthropomorphism. [Online]. [Accessed 4 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Anthropomorphism

Bell Toons, 2016, Bell Toons Website. [Online]. [Accessed 4 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.belltoons.co.uk/

 Steadman, R. 2015. Gonzo Guernica, [Hand painted silkscreen in one colour, graphite].

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Steadman, R. 2016. Ralph Steadman Website. [Online]. [Accessed 4 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.ralphsteadman.com/

Richmond, T. 2016, Richmond illustration inc. [Online]. [Accessed 8 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.tomrichmond.com/2008/02/14/how-to-draw-caricatures-1-the-5-shapes/

Coleman, R. 2016. Caricature website. [Online]. [Accessed 9 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.caricature.co.uk/

Machin, R. 2016. Ric Machin Website  [Online]. [Accessed 9 December 2016]. Available from: http://www.ricmachin.com/

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